Developing Essbase Applications : Advanced Techniques for Finance and IT Professionals

If you love Essbase and hate seeing it misused, then this is the book for you. Written by 12 Essbase professionals that are either acknowledged Essbase gurus or certified Oracle ACEs, Developing Essbase Applications: Advanced Techniques for Finance and IT Professionals provides an unparalleled investigation and explanation of Essbase theory and best practices.

Detailing the hows and the whys of successful Essbase implementation, the book arms you with simple yet powerful tools to meet your immediate needs, as well as the theoretical knowledge to proceed to the next level with Essbase. Infrastructure, data sourcing and transformation, database design, calculations, automation, APIs, reporting, and project implementation are covered by subject matter experts who work with the tools and techniques on a daily basis. In addition to practical cases that illustrate valuable lessons learned, the book offers:

With a list of contributors as impressive as the program of presenters at a leading Essbase conference, this book offers unprecedented access to the insights and experiences of those at the forefront of the field. The previously unpublished material presented in these pages will give you the practical knowledge needed to use this powerful and intuitive tool to build highly useful analytical models, reporting systems, and forecasting applications.