Worthless referendum taxes Lake County property owners’ suffering – Lake County News-Sun

In the rarefied air of the 10th floor of the Lake County Building, some lawmakers must have been lacking oxygen the other day. That’s the only conclusion one can reach after County Board members voted to put a meaningless tax question on the November ballot.




Does Chicago Public Schools CEO Martinez deserve praise for taking on Mayor Johnson? – Wirepoints

September 4, 2024 3 Comments

CPS CEO Pedro Martinez publicly stood up to Mayor Brandon Johnson’s call for more borrowing and instead pushed for cuts to the district’s budget. But while Martinez might have done the right thing for CPS’ finances, he hasn’t been doing the right thing when it comes to student outcomes.

Mayor Johnson has billions more in revenue than Lightfoot did, yet the city is still overspending – Wirepoints on AM 560 Chicago’s Morning Answer

September 4, 2024 No Comments

Ted joined John Anthony and Amy Jacobson to talk about Chicago’s financial troubles now that the covid bailout money has run out, why Mayor Johnson will likely break his promise to not raise property taxes, why all of Johnson’s tax hike ideas failed, the financial plight of Chicago Public Schools, and more.

Chicago Weekly Crime Tracker – Wirepoints

September 4, 2024 118 Comments

Weekly crime statistics from the Chicago Police Department: Report through 8/25/2024.

Mayor Johnson’s spending decisions, falling revenues mean Chicagoans likely to get hit with 2025 property tax hike – Wirepoints

September 3, 2024 12 Comments

Over the last four years, first Mayor Lori Lightfoot and now Mayor Brandon Johnson have committed the city’s nearly $2 billion in covid-era revenue to spending that’s now baked into the budget and difficult to unwind. But with federal covid revenues running dry, the city’s operating budget is left with a $1 billion deficit for 2025 and even bigger deficits going forward. Without major spending reforms, he’ll likely have to break his promise to Chicagoans to not raise property taxes.

Wirepoints joined Univision Chicago to discuss the expected $1 billion budget deficit coming to Chicago in 2025 – Wirepoints

August 31, 2024 16 Comments

Wirepoints joined Univision Chicago to discuss the expected $1 billion budget deficit coming to Chicago in 2025. Chicago returns to the same fiscal problems it faced in 2020 before the covid bailouts papered over the city’s problems for a few years. Now the federal covid money has dried up and the deficits have reappeared, exposing the city’s mismanagement of funds.