Baking Up Success: Creating the Ultimate Bake Sale Sign-Up Sheet

Sign Up Sheet Bake Sale

We know how much you love organizing events and making things run smoothly, so today we’re dishing up a fresh-baked treat just for you. If you’ve ever organized a bake sale or thought about hosting one, you know that a sign-up sheet can make or break your event. That’s why we’re here to help you create the perfect sign-up sheet for your bake sale to make it a sweet success! (If you don’t like hosting events, then you should check out our No-Bake Bake Sale example.)

How to create a sign-up sheet for bake sale in 5 minutes (or less)

Step 1

Choose the Perfect Platform

First things first, you need to decide which platform to use for your sign-up sheet. Lucky for you, Cheddar Up is the ideal choice! With our user-friendly interface, beautiful design, and seamless payment processing , you’ll have the perfect foundation for a successful bake sale. And – it’s free!

Step 2

Design Your Bake Sale Sign-Up Sheet

Begin by creating a catchy title, like “Sugar & Spice Bake Sale Sign-Up!” and a brief description of the event. Be sure to include essential details, such as the date, time, and location of the bake sale.

Next, create the following categories for your signup sheet:

Baked Goods: This is where participants can sign up to bring a variety of delicious treats. Offer a mix of options, such as cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and more.

Pro tip: Encourage participants to label their baked goods as gluten-free, dairy-free, or nut-free if applicable.

Volunteers: No bake sale is complete without a team of enthusiastic volunteers to help with set-up, sales, and clean-up. Make sure to include time slots for each task and ask for a few extra volunteers in case of last-minute cancellations. If you’re going to use Cheddar Up’s mobile apps for in-person payments at the sale, automatically generate a Volunteer POS Code to send them so they can take payments without getting full access to your Cheddar Up collection.

Supplies: Don’t forget about the necessities, like tables, tablecloths, serving utensils, napkins, and more. Assign these items to specific volunteers to ensure everything is covered.

Monetary Donations: Not everyone has time to bake or volunteer, but they can still contribute! Set up a donations category for those who would like to support the cause financially.