Application Components: Academic Fields

All applicants must complete and submit their applications via the Fulbright Online Application. This is where you enter data, upload documents, and register your recommenders and foreign language evaluator. The following items comprise the components of the Academic application:

Biographical Data

The Personal and Contact Information pages of the application ask for your basic personal information, such as your name, contact information, birth date, etc.

Program Information

On the Program Information page, you must include a Project Title and an Abstract/Summary of Proposal. These sections are a quick reference for screening committees and other reviewers. They should be able to determine the basic who, what, when, where, why and how of your project by reading this abstract. The project title should be informative, as well.

Statement of Grant Purpose

This 2-page document outlines the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of what you are proposing for your Fulbright grant. If you are pursuing a research project, developing a strong, feasible and compelling project is the most important aspect of a successful Fulbright application.

The first step is to thoroughly read the award description for your selected award and host country to understand the type of grant you are allowed to propose (Independent Study/Research or Graduate Degree Enrollment). Depending on the country and award parameters, applicants may have the option to propose completing a graduate degree program. Some countries have specific arrangements or named awards for graduate study. In this case, applicants should focus on demonstrating the reasons for pursuing the proposed graduate program at a particular institution in the host country.

Whether you are applying for a research project or a degree program, the proposal should indicate a clear commitment to the host country community and a description of how you will engage with it.

Develop an intellectually compelling and feasible project: This is the most important factor in presenting a successful application. Program design will vary by country and award, and while some countries encourage applicants to incorporate coursework into a project, others prefer independent research. You should ensure that your proposed project fits the program guidelines for the host country and award.

For applicants proposing independent study/research projects, address the following points:

Design a feasible project: You must demonstrate that your research strategy is viable, including its content, methodology, and time frame.

Address the following points: